March 2018 Jobs List of Pakistan - More then 1000 jobs of March 2018

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Extra Story

I have canceled my job to make room for living

I do not want to live to work. If politicians want it, I'm fine, but they should not force everyone else into their idea of ​​how life should live. I want to work a little and live more. My life must not be filled with compulsion

I have just quit my job as a high school teacher. It was in many ways a really nice job, where I met a lot of young people and were allowed to teach.

But it was also a job that completely had the power over my daily life. All other activities in my life were determined by my work. And although many will give their right arm for the job I had, there was something in me that seemed to be wrong.

I'm in the early 30's and four to five years in my work life, with a little quick main bill enough to be around 40 years in the labor market. Unless something is unforeseen. 40 years in the labor market. That's what I can look forward to. 40 years of everyday life, with a bike ride for work at. 7.30, everybody in the streets looks like they would rather be in their bed. 40 years of changing students and colleagues, but over 40 years, similar to each other. The years can go without notice.

I have the feeling that life can be something else and more than that. For example, life can be about fighting for another life. A life that you have the power over. A life that one manages.

That's why I said. My life is not about going to work, and I will try to make myself so I do not have to work so much. Not that everyone has it, or that everyone should have it. But for me, work is something you do, so you can live. Therefore, I would like to work a little and live more.

A life out of work

How do you get that freedom?

It is hard. Life without work I connect with insecurity. The couple of times I have been unemployed on unemployment benefits or on cash benefits, I have been unable to keep it out for more than a few months. It will be strenuous for a long time to explain to friends and family that you do not have work. And what do you really do in the time they work?

When I quit, it's because I have the feeling that there is a better life outside of working life. A life when you're not tired when you get home in the afternoon; where you can organize your life in a way so you can do what you want. Without a boss and without institutions that pay one's life as a working life.

But how do you do? What other options do I and others have for another kind of life?

The crucial thing when you are unemployed is that you know what to do. It sounds strange, but it's important to know what's happening when you do not have a job than when you have one. If you have work, you do not have to enroll yourself in life's meaning. The opinion is given from the outside. Work is the meaning. When you fill your day with activities that are not work, you have to make it meaningful.

The paradox of life outside work is that it is still determined in many ways by working life. You must always explain yourself as useful. Both to others, but especially to themselves. It's not quite easy. Do not delete if you are alone.

But you have to work, Eskil!

When you are out of work, you discover how much work life determines what meaningful activities are. Childcare at home, intensive philosophical studies, film and serial activities, association work, book writing, artistic development, potato cultivation, mushroom hunting, walks and other activities beyond payroll are difficult to provide value. Therefore, it is important to have motivation and strength to assign something meaningful to themselves.

When you are unemployed, you discover that activities that can not be earned are not considered equivalent to payroll work. Unemployment is regarded as temporary or as a mere laziness. Not as a goal. This despite the fact that almost everyone has a secret dream of pulling the plug and eliminating everyday trivialities.

"That sounds good then"

When I told my colleagues that I had terminated and I was not sure what to spend my free time on, there were many reactions, but especially one was interesting: many of my students and colleagues thought, It seemed like a good idea to quit without having a job or knowing what to do. There were many who were very happy on my behalf: "That sounds good then!" They said.

It struck me that almost everybody is excited about the idea of ​​just saying their job and doing something else. Even politicians may think in between: "Fuck it, I'm going."

But why are not more people living outside work life happy? This is because, I think it is immensely difficult to live outside the labor market. It is clearly seen on those who do not have a job but want one. They suffer from tremendous pressure from society's work ethic, and are also kept outside. Everyone wants to work, as the device list says. What I think is right, but the reason is that it is very difficult to be unemployed. You have no money, you can not get debt, you are subject to all forms of compulsion and control, and your life is totally determined by the work life you are excluded from.
